The Value of an 8 x 10″ (20x25cm)
Years ago a photographer friend of mine told me a true sales example of how he perceived the value of a picture. He was at a client’s home doing a sale’s appontment and they reacted to his price of $85 … Continued
Today I want to present one of my favorite photographers and people Michal Tomaszewicz. You will see some great off camera flash photography with info under each picture. I been following Michals progress over the last 20+ years and he … Continued
I personally want to invite you to PTO’s 25th Anniversary in Tunisia Jan/Feb 2012. Yes 2012 is a bit down the road but this excellent training program already have 80 people signed up. That should tell you something about the … Continued
Link to the 1 gigapixel panoramic image: After you click on the link, click on the picture to move as far as you want to into it. Wait a few seconds while it loads. Then use arrows to navigate. … Continued
Today I want to talk about communication in the digital age. I been working full time in Photography for 35 years now, so yes I’m getting old, but I started early. It’s been so fun to watch the changes in … Continued
The owner of the company One on One Marketing, Nick Greer, really wanted employees involved in the photo shoot. I still wanted the attention to be on 1 person on the cover. I decided to have a bunch of employees … Continued
Today I want to bring you through a magazine cover shoot and some inside photographs for an article we shot on Monday, April 11th. We had about 30 minutes to shoot: the cover with logo, bar code, etc. in mind, … Continued
The biggest problem with most candids is that people don’t look as good as they could in them, often bad light, background etc. Often it’s well worth compromising to get a real moment. The alternative on a shoot where you can … Continued
I think some of the most beautiful things I see in life are pregnant women. Christina got married to Trevor in September 2001 and we have been so fortunate to Photograph them and their additions ever since. We usually shoot … Continued
A while ago I had the honor of photographing one of the nations VERY best story tellers Mr. Donald Davis of Ocracoke Island, North Carolina. I was very excited since I am very much into expressions which is for sure … Continued