ThE pOwEr Of X-rAy PhOtOgRaPhY

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A while back I came accross the works of british photographer Nick Veasey and it blew my mind!


Nick Veasey was born in Kent (UK) in 1962. His work questions the way we look at what surrounds us, he says that ‘the X-Ray is a honest process, it shows things for what they are, what they are made of. (…) It balances against all that glossy, superficial “bollocks”. I’m real and straight forward, and so is my work.’ Rather than creating images that spark one’s desire to be someone else, it highlights the internal structure from which appearances originate. No matter the shape, the color, the texture, our everyday lives are made of molecules and we are all on an even footing. Awarded ‘Photographer of the year’ by I.P.A. in 2008, his X-Rays can be admired in many international collections, both private and public (Victoria & Albert Museum of London (V&A), the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, and even the Contemporary Art Museum of Taipei.

I think Nick can explain his work process much better then me, so I will post a couple of videos.

This 13 min long TED presentation gives you a great overview of how he works and think, I love his sense of humor.

Nick was comissend by Victora Secrets to photograph plants of all things.

I’m posting some of my favorite images. but if you go to my gallery named Nick Versey on Pinterest I have more then 160 images there + several videos. Most images links to articles and blog posts about him and jis work.

Nicky Veasey imagery utilised in a current Lucozade advert in Great Britain.

The second car I owned was a white  Austin Mini 1000 I loved that car.

This video explain seceral things the Mini project, i took around 500 exposures to make this shot and I think I heard somewhere that the cost was around 20 000 Euro?

Love the use of space in this image.

Amazing use of space and a fantastic composition in my opinion.

I love Vespa’s I used to have a White 1971 Vespa 125 Super worth a lot today….

Link to Nick Veasey’s web site:

His blog:

Again, link to my Pinterest gallery with Nick with 160+ of his images +videos

Nick Veasey books on



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