Photographing People Classes Worldwide

Dear Readers. First of all thank you to all the students that have already participated in these classes. It’s been such a great success and we have had to keep adding more here in Utah. We just added one for July 18th. As most of you know I been teaching other programs worldwide for many years, next week I’m leaving for Europe again to teach in England and Norway.

Always when I post about these classes on my Facebook I have people from all over writing wishing I was having a PP class  where they live? This is what I want to write a little about. I would love to do them Worldwide. If you wish to have one where you live, help me get 15 people together, your award will be that the class is free for you. We will market them together. Please let me know if this is of interest ?

Respectfully, Kenneth

PS. Here is a link to more info on my classes and InStudio.

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