PhotoInjection European Tour 2008
So it is official. Henk van Kooten and I are going to inject 23 countries with our excitement for this profession. It will be a 6 week long tour and it starts 8 days after Photokina on Oct. 6th 2008 … Continued
So it is official. Henk van Kooten and I are going to inject 23 countries with our excitement for this profession. It will be a 6 week long tour and it starts 8 days after Photokina on Oct. 6th 2008 … Continued
I love black clothes, but there’s more then one reson to wear black. Look closely at this image and behind the wedding couple you will see my wife, MaryLyn, who just finished photographing them walking down the main isle. I … Continued
Today I want to introduce you to one my best friends and one of the VERY BESTPhotographers in the world. This image says it all. If anybody is renewing studio portrait photography it is Henk. I love his thinking and … Continued
Today I want to show an image that combines 2 things I have spoken about in my blog lately. Leading lines (see Sep.24th), and the Vector 3 mill candle light lamps (see Sep.27&28th). The veil of a bride often has … Continued
I love the title of this image: No way back! The street sign makes that point. Yes, sometimes flash outside is the thing to use. This coming from a lover of reflective, subtractive, tungsten, HMI, etc.– what you see is … Continued
Leading lines are a very powerful tool to help draw the attention to the most important part of your subject. Look at the railroad tracks, which very easily could be disturbing, how they lead you straight to the subject; so … Continued
Yes, today was Emily’s fantastic wedding, perfect weather etc. with the great surprise get away for Nate in a helicopter. I promised you a picture on the 17th so here it is. Store windows can be such great backgrounds! Thanks … Continued
Wednesday is Emily and Nate’s BIG day, she is as fun as a bride can be. For her Bridal we shot about 550 exposures in the studio one day, then did almost as many outside on a different day. I … Continued
Congratulations to Emily and Nate on their upcoming wedding! We had a blast shooting your engagement photos. Great choice for your announcement photo. Now some technical info for all you photographers: being a modern and hip couple, we chose to … Continued
Be Inspired — Welcome! This blog is about sharing. I will share ideas, inspirations, techniques and random thoughts that make my day. I invite you to join me on the photographic journey that is a big part of my life. … Continued